Learn more about our work with government and industry in Aotearoa New Zealand below.
Digital Advisory Group
The Aotearoa New Zealand Digital Advisory Group (NZ DAG) is a representative advisory group that provides support and perspective from DSPs to the NZ Inland Revenue Department and other government agencies tasked with the smooth operation and ongoing digital transformation of the tax system. DSPANZ Director Allen Knight currently co-chairs the DAG with Inland Revenue's Anil Srinivasa.
DAG Payroll Working Group
The Aotearoa New Zealand Digital Advisory Payroll Working Group brings together members of the DSP payroll industry to discuss payroll
and work through payroll matters for the benefit of the wider community. The working group aims to create an environment where there is
structured and early engagement with DSPs from policy development through to the co-design and implementation of payroll changes.
Service Provider Forum
The Australian and New Zealand Service Provider Forum (A-NZ SPF) is a regular meeting of access points (APs), service metadata publishers (SMPs) and DSPs that is hosted by the Australian and New Zealand Peppol Authorities. DSPANZ and our members have been participating in the forum since its inception and co-chaired the invoice content and response working group.
Aotearoa New Zealand News
Join the DAG in 2025
We're calling for expressions of interest (EOIs) from Aotearoa New Zealand Digital Service Providers (DSPs) who would like to participate in the Digital Advisory Group or DAG in 2025.
Aotearoa New Zealand Budget 2024 Impacts for DSPs
Aotearoa New Zealand's Budget 2024 was delivered on 30 May by the Minister of Finance, Hon Nicola Willis. But what's in Budget 2024 for DSPs? We'll walk you through our Budget takeaways and associated impacts for DSPs.
Payroll Software Providers on Proposed Holidays Act Changes & Need for Ongoing Engagement
DSPANZ provided a statement on behalf of the New Zealand Digital Advisory Group - Payroll
Working Group to raise concerns about the proposed amendments to the Holidays Act and the importance of working alongside payroll software providers to
ensure changes can be operationalised.
Past Newsletters
Aotearoa New Zealand Policy Submissions
Find previous New Zealand policy submissions below.
Employment Relations (Protection for KiwiSaver Members) Amendment Bill
DSPANZ provided a submission on the Employment Relations (Protection for KiwiSaver Members) Amendment Bill on 30 October 2023.
Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill Submission
DSPANZ provided a submission on the Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill raising feedback on the proposed operationalisation of the restraint of trade provisions. Read our full submission here.
Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill
DSPANZ provided a submission on the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill on 14 July 2023.
New Zealand Customer and Product Data Bill
DSPANZ provided a submission to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's consultation on the exposure draft of the Customer and Product Data Bill on 24 July 2023. Access a copy of this submission here.
Tax Administration in a Digital World Submission
DSPANZ provided a submission to New Zealand's Inland Revenue Department on their Tax Administration in a Digital World issues paper on 22 April 2022. Access a full copy of this submission here.
Towards a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa
We provided a submission to the Towards a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa consultation on 10 November 2021. A full copy of this submission can be accessed here.