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The Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces (SSAM) is an extension of the ATO's Operational Framework and is intended to provide guidance for cloud based third party add-ons who integrate via API with Digital Service Providers (DSPs). Co-developed by DSPANZ and the ATO, the SSAM outlines a consistent set of rules, specifications and practices for both DSPs and third party developers who integrate with cloud based taxation, superannuation, payroll or accounting software via API.

The security requirements specified in the SSAM were modelled closely on established industry guidelines. If an add-on is currently certified by multiple DSPs then it will probably meet the SSAM requirements already. It is expected that if a third party add-on can meet the security requirements outlined in the SSAM, they should have minimal difficulty self assessing and certifying their add-on against multiple DSP ecosystems including Xero, MYOB, Intuit etc.

The standard applies to third party add-on developers with more than 1,000 connections to Australian business customers of a DSP or those who are connected to the practice client list of an Australian tax or BAS agent (practice connection). The SSAM also outlines the minimum self assessment, breach reporting and logging requirements that are expected by DSPs that operate an ecosystem.

The SSAM will increase the protection of client data as well as improving the portability of apps between different vendors. The creation of common security standards across multiple accounting API ecosystems is a world first, with the opportunity for them to be expanded or adopted internationally. 

Download a copy of the standard (PDF) here: Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces (SSAM).

2021 Review

Following the recent review of the Operational Security Framework (OSF) DSPANZ, together with the ATO, we will begin the first review of the Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces (SSAM). The SSAM will be reviewed across August and November.

Find more information about the review here


ABSIA hosted a follow up webinar on Wednesday 20 May to cover the SSAM in more detail and provide the opportunity for further questions.

Access Recording Access Recording

ABSIA co-hosted a webinar with the ATO is hosting a webinar with the ATO to officially introduce the Security Standard for Add-on Marketplaces (SSAM) on 2 October. 

Access Recording Access Recording

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