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Digital Service Providers Australia New Zealand (DSPANZ), formerly ABSIA, is the non-profit industry association representing the world class business software sector in Australia and New Zealand.

Over the years, our industry has helped streamline and transform payroll, superannuation, tax, accounting and finance operations by delivering new, secure digital solutions. This work is helping to fuel the digital economy while improving user experiences and government policy outcomes. 

Software developed by our members:

  • Delivers more than 90% of payroll and superannuation messages
  • Helps manage 90% of all employers and employees
  • Submits 90% of income tax returns, activity statements and GST returns
  • Sends and receives 90% of eInvoices
  • Supports more than 90% of small businesses and their trusted advisors.

We have a proven track record of helping government agencies consult and collaborate with the business software industry on significant policies and projects that require technology-led solutions and changes to business to business or business to government processes. 

Our Mission

DSPANZ helps grow the dynamic, world class business software sector in Australia and New Zealand by:

Sharing knowledge, expertise and industry updates

Building strong networks in Australia and New Zealand

Connecting government and industry to solve challenges together

Engaging with government on behalf of members to inform policy outcomes

Enabling consultation for members on B2G and B2B initiatives

A copy of our Constitution can be accessed here

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