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The Aotearoa New Zealand Digital Advisory Group (DAG) Payroll Working Group brings together members of the New Zealand Digital Service Provider (DSP) payroll community to discuss and work through payroll matters for the benefit of the broader community.

Our working group aims to create an environment where there is structured and early engagement with DSPs from the policy development phase through to the co-design and implementation of payroll changes. 


The working group is chaired by Inland Revenue’s Payroll Software Developer Specialist, with DSPANZ providing secretarial support and is a collective forum of payroll software providers to discuss payroll-related items outside the Digital Advisory Group (DAG).

Please find the current membership of the DAG Payroll below. 

Co-Chairs  Angela Peason - IRD, Paul Orford - ReadyTech
Secretariat: Eden Treloar - DSPANZ
Members: Belinda O'Brien (iPayroll)
Chris Mar (Datacom)
Gaston Milsom (AMS)
Graham Coutts (ADP)
Jonathon Park (Five Star Software)
Karen Brown (iPayroll)
Katherine Truman (SAP)
Nikki Wilbur (AMS)
Richard Sainsbury (Finite)
Shelley Costello (Employment Hero)
Simone Dixon (ELMO Software)

DAG Payroll Members are not required to be financial members of DSPANZ to participate. 

Working Group Materials

Meeting Summaries:

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