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Over the past few years we have seen an increase in government agencies who are interested in working with Digital Service Providers (DSPs) to help digitalise business processes and make it easier for organisations to meet their business and employee related obligations. We are expecting this trend to continue in the coming years as both DSPs and government identify opportunities to embed these processes within an organisation's natural system. 

To support this ongoing transformation, DSPs require reliable, scalable and readily available digital solutions to support themselves and their end users. DSPs view the following as critical pieces of infrastructure and services that will support the interactions and experiences that are important to DSPs:

  • ATO's Digital Services Gateway (DSG)
  • Inland Revenue's Gateway Services
  • Superannuation Transaction Network
  • Standard Business Reporting (SBR2)
  • Australian and New Zealand payroll infrastructure
  • Trusted Digital Identity Framework and digital identity solutions
  • Contemporary set of business registers and business licensing
  • Peppol addressing services

As many of our members interact with the ATO and Inland Revenue, we view the Digital Services Gateway and Gateway Services as integral platforms for the current and future delivery of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and supporting interactions with their respective DSP ecosystems.

DSPs are also increasingly relying upon digital identity solutions and business registers to help meet their authentication and validation cyber security requirements which play an important role in reducing fraud. Further, a contemporary and up to date set of business registers in Australia will provide higher integrity data that DSP systems and natural business processes rely on while also delivering APIs that make it easier, not harder to start a business in Australia. 

We are excited by the government's digital direction in both Australia and New Zealand and DSPs are interested in partnering with government agencies to see successful outcomes. As a first step, come and talk to DSPs at the policy ideation phase when consulting on digital initiatives that we will ultimately deliver. 


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