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ABSIA held their 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 23 October at 4pm (AEDT) in Sydney. ABSIA Members were invited to attend via teleconference. 

Appointment of Directors

There was the same number of nominees as there were Board positions therefor no voting was held  Chris Howard (President) welcomed the following back to the Board:

  • Ian Gibson
  • Matthew Prouse
  • Chris Howard

Treasurers Report

Matthew Prouse delivered the Treasurers Report.

Other business

There was no other business.

Change of Roles

Following the AGM, a brief meeting was held between the Board to appoint office bearer positions for 2020. During this meeting, the Board voted to co-opt Karen Lay-Brew for another term. As a result, the 2020 ABSIA Board will remain the same:

  • Chris Howard - Director and President
  • Simon Foster - Director and Vice President 
  • Mike Behling - Director and Secretary
  • Matthew Prouse - Director and Treasurer
  • Karen Lay-Brew - Director
  • Marjukka Mäki-Hokkonen - Director
  • Ian Gibson - Director
  • Michael Ross - Director

ABSIA's Annual Report for 2019.


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