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We held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 30 November 2016 in Sydney.

Resignation of Directors

The ABSIA board and its members thank Geoff Schaller and Kevin Johnson for all their efforts over the past years on the board, who resigned from their positions as Directors on Wednesday 30th of November 2016. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.

Appointment of Directors

ABSIA warmly welcomes David Tuke (from Oban Solutions) & Patrick Hamilton (from ADP) to the ABSIA board, as Directors. Both Patrick and David have expertise and experience that will be valuable in guiding ABSIA into the future.

Change of Roles

Following the AGM 2016, a board meeting was held with the refreshed board, at which David Field resigned from the role of President of ABSIA. David's contribution has been crucial to the success of ABSIA to date. The ABSIA board and its members thank David for his passion and hard work in getting ABSIA to current state. We are grateful to have David staying on moving into the role as Vice President and Deputy Chair of ABSIA, supporting Karen Lay-Brew who has accepted the role of President.

The board agreed to Director Simon Foster to take on the position of Treasurer and of Director Mike Behling to the position of Secretary. 

Treasurer's Report

ABSIA Treasurer Kevin Johnson advised that the accounts had reached a more desirable position. The financial statements were accepted. Profitability of the ABSIA Forums and Conference was discussed, with a decision to be made by the board as the viability of holding four events annually. At the board meeting following the AGM 2016, the board agreed on holding two events for 2017.

Other Business

There was no other business raised by or further questions from the audience for the board. 


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